We super excited to announce a collaboration between Fancy That and the ever-amazing Kiera from Kids Face Painting by Kez. Introducting, 4 new face painting colour combos!
Wanting to find a perfect rainbow, and inspired by the reflection on the ground of a prism, we have worked out a combo that is the perfect amount of bright but solid! Named as a nod to the city we live in, Radelaide Rainbow blends beautifully used with a sponge, and Pretty Prism brushes on like a dream! We're confident they will be your "GO TO" rainbow cakes
Click here to buy >> Pretty Prism & Radelaide Rainbow
Ever found some of the rose coloured combos are just too pink? This new rose cake has been developed to be a true rose, more of a peachy colour than a pink, with a deep wine centre to enhance the red. Scarlett Rose is named after Kiera's beautiful daughter Scarlett, modelling the in the pictures below
Serpentine is the ultimate cake for dragons, snakes, monsters and lots of other slimy critters, but also works perfectly well for other applications such as the butterfly shown here
Click here to buy >> Serpentine & Scarlett Rose
We would love to see what designs you come up with using these new cakes so please feel free to tag us on social media with #fancythatscarlettrose, #fancythatradelaiderainbow, #fancythatserpentine or #fancythatprettyprism so we can see your creations!